Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Ride Home

Well, sometimes in life when you think you have a good idea, you actually don't. Most decisions if life are easy....hotdogs or hamburgers, mustard or ketchup. And the consequences of those decisions are realatively minor.

I asked a friend from the valley to help me pick up Candi. Oh, I named the bike Candi. There is a story there, but in case Helen reads this, I will skip that part. Let's skip all the bad stuff that happened. But, I did get to cross a bunch of stuff off my bucket list. I filled a gas tank with diesel fuel, I drove a truck pulling a trailer. Oh and I bought a motorcycle. The really bad part is that during all the fun and games, Candi was injured. OMG!!! I felt like a little boy who discovered Santa was not real, when coming downstairs on Christmas morning, the tree was gone. I could not even move the bike into the warm confines of my garage. I planned to stay out all night, and protect her from roaming Valley teenagers....
I will end this by saying, I ended up putting Candi in the garage with my wicked tech skills.

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